Silvi Orión. Portrait photography and interview by BARTE.

silvi_orion at work in her studio

silvi_orion at work with a marker




Formidable Magazine. What was your first creative drive?
S.O. Freedom and friendship and their origins: imagination and love.

F.M. Is there a defining moment that made you realize art was your thing?
S.O. The years before going to college, I was kindda depressed, and honesty and beauty made me scape to my inner world.

F.M. Inspirational artists?
S.O. Borges, Henry Miller, Patti Smith, Kurdt Cobain, R.E.M Pete Doherty, Oscar Wilde, Baudelaire Dostoyevsky, Almodóvar, Ginsberg, Pollock, Dalí, Rimbaud… and my sister Nadia.

F.M. How would you define your work?
S.O. My painting style has always been very psychedelic and probably more wine these days and my poetry sounds like the letter L.

FM. What in you is in every poem?
S.O. Light.

FM. How would you describe the relationship between poetry and you?
S.O. It’s my way of dealing with life, it’s in my voice, in my dreams, my water, my humour… poetry is what you realize, you don’t even have to say it but if you do say it, you must say the truth, for me art is how things should be; it’s that simple.

FM. How is a day in the life of Silvi Orión?
S.O. I wake up when it feels right, have a nice, long and fun breakfast. Always read and enjoy the daylight and then, you never know.

F.M. What’s in your play list?
S.O. Jarabe de Palo, Tribal Seeds, Bebe Xoel López, Grupo de Expertos Solynieve, Frusciante, La bien querida, Perota Chingó, Bruce Springsteen…

F.M. What film is your life like?
S.O. Almost Famous, Todo sobre mi madre (All about my mother), À bout the Souffle…

F.M. What do you love and hate about Madrid?
S.O. I love its crazy pace, its sun, its people friendliness, Retiro park, Barrio de Las Letras, Lavapiés, Malasaña and the way the underground art scene is growing. And I just don’t hate anything.

F.M. Best and worst night out?
S.O. The best night is when there’s no plan. And the worst, I guess, is when you’d rather be doing anything else anywhere else.

F.M. Our motto is “A life less ordinary”, what makes life less ordinary?
S.O. Waking up relaxed and going to bed on fire.

F.M. What’s next for Silvi Orión?
S.O. My next exhibit, called “Ahora sé ke viviré simpre” (“Now I know I’ll live forever”) will be exposed in Diablos Azules c/ Apodaca 6, m/ Tribunal (Madrid) during the whole month of this next December. I’ll also have a 20-30 minute show there presenting my book “VEINTEAÑEROS” (Ed. Amargord, 2015) and I’ll be touring some cities in Spain as well promoting my book wherever and whenever opportunity comes up, only life knows… I just listen.




silvi orion artista artist


I’ve got water, and I’ve got good food and I’ve got my family and I’ve got two roofs, one for security and one for my freedom and I’ve got a beautiful hat, a cowboy hat, which has join me for many years

I’ve got my adventures and my destiny

and I’ve got my mind and I’ve got Orion and I’ve got my body, with my thin skin and bones

and I’ve got my heart, the one I must be true to and in LOVE, I see every-thing and every-one and that’s what I believe in

the rest I don’t know.
