Jimi Hendix landed in the States in 1968 for his firs american tour. Photographer Ron Raffaelli was his official tour photographer. Raffaelli tell us in his own words. “An art director had told me that this British rock star was getting ready to go on tour in the United States, and he needed a photographer. So I went up to this Beverly Hills house to show my portfolio, and when I got there, there were about thirty or forty photographers with their portfolios. When my turn came, I went into this bedroom and there was a Tiffany lamp with red scarves hanging from it, and at the foot of the bed, there was this handsome black man with a blond on either side of him, and one behind him on the bed. I recognized who it was, it was Jimi Hendrix. And he went through all thirty of my photos in about thirty seconds. He hands them back to me and says thank you.” “I left, thinking ‘what a waste of time that was.’ A couple of weeks later, I got the call that Jimi chose me, and the next morning I was on a plane to Hawaii to join him,” And so this story begings. Jimi Hendrix rented a dune buggy. |